With the exciting launch of Selah in 2019, we unpack ‘selah moments’ and why Selah.
‘Selah’ is a Hebrew word referring to a voluntary and intentional pause for reflection. Often in times of pausing, God gives us a revelation that transforms our perspective, bringing us closer to Him. Selah positions us to hear His voice and be in His presence.
As Christians, Lisa Tarzia, Managing Director of Mission Travel, felt we should be creating selah opportunities for people to engage in experiences that deepen our faith.
“I’ve had a few ‘selah-moments’ in my life”says Lisa, “but two are very much in the forefront of my mind. The first was at the beach not long after my mum had died. I was 21 and grieving deeply. In the moment of being still in God’s creation, the vastness of the ocean and the rhythm of the waves crashing on the shore, I felt the tangible presence of God comforting me and letting me know that she was okay. It is something I have not forgotten,” says Lisa.
“Another impactful ‘selah-moment’ was my first time visiting the Garden of Gethsemane in 2009. Physically being there was so powerful. I pictured Jesus fully human and divine, asking his father “Do you really want me to do this?” The enormity of His sacrifice hit me so deeply that I felt the overwhelming power of His love,” reveals Lisa.
Selah is about creating spaces for Christians to have ‘selah moments’. Moments where people stop, pause and ponder. “When I presented this concept to my staff at Mission Travel, someone suggested the brand name ‘Selah’. Straight away my spirit leaped, and I felt this was God’s title for this new adventure. Little did the person know that years earlier I was drawn to the word ‘selah’ in the Psalms and kept on writing it in my prayer journal in a reflective and creative way, not fully understanding the meaning of the word”.
“Everything we offer at Selah is sprinkled with opportunities to pause and reflect. I believe that people will be transformed, rejuvenated and grow deeper in their faith through Selah. Whether it be pausing on a Christian retreat, or travelling abroad, I know that if we unplug ourselves from this busy cluttered life, we will have moments with God that are transformative and life-changing”, says Lisa.